Ключевые слова:
: Дистанционное образование, цифровое образование, цифровизация, ИКТ-грамотность, компьютер, инновационные технологии, педагогическое мастерство, креативность
В статье рассмотрены вопросы развития интеллекта студентов высших учебных заведений на основе цифровой образовательной среды и подготовки их к интеллектуальной деятельности.
1. Shea P. and Bidjerano T. Understanding distinctions in learning in hybrid, and online environments: an empirical investigation of the community of inquiry framework. Interact. Learn. Environ, 2013, 21(4): 355–370.
2. Saadé.R., Nebebe. F., and Tan.W. Viability of the‘ Technology Acceptance Model’ in multimedia learning environments: A comparative study. Interdiscip. J. E-Learning Learn. Objects, 2007, 3(1): 175–184.
3. Zydney J. M., and Seo K. K.-J. Creating a community of inquiry in online environments: An exploratory study on the effect of a protocol on interactions within asynchronous discussions. Comput. Educ, 2012, 58(1): 77–87.
4. Joo Y. J., Lim K. Y., and Kim E. K. Online university students’ satisfaction and persistence: Examining perceived level of presence, usefulness and ease of use as predictors in a structural model. Comput. Educ, 2011, 57(2):1654–1664.
5. Umarova R.U. Ta’limda axborot texnologiyalaridan foydalanishning konseptual qoidalari // “Xalq ta’limi” ilmiy-uslubiy jurnal. – Toshkent, 2020. 5- maxsus son. –B. 101-104.
6. Umarova R.U. Ta’lim jarayonida o‘quvchilarning intellektual salohiyatini oshirish. Metodik tavsiyanoma // “Step by step print” bosmaxonasi. – Andijon, 2021. 2,75 bt.
7. Umarova R.U. Ta’lim tizimida zamonaviy pedagogik texnologiyalardan foydalanishning ahamiyati // Nizomiy nomidagi Toshkent pedagogika universiteti “Akademik Siddiq Rajabov o‘qishlari” respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjuman materiallari. – Toshkent, 2021 yil. – B. 213-215
8. Umarova R.U. Development of intellectual potential in the context of informatization of education // European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences Vol. 8 No. 12, 2020. Part III ISSN 2056-5852, – B. 56-59.
9. Akmalova A., Xaydarov A., Pardayeva G. Oliy ta’limni raqamlashtirish sharoitida talabalarning intellektual salohiyatini rivojlantirish/. O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti xabarlari, 2023, [1/12/2] ISSN 2181-7324
2. Saadé.R., Nebebe. F., and Tan.W. Viability of the‘ Technology Acceptance Model’ in multimedia learning environments: A comparative study. Interdiscip. J. E-Learning Learn. Objects, 2007, 3(1): 175–184.
3. Zydney J. M., and Seo K. K.-J. Creating a community of inquiry in online environments: An exploratory study on the effect of a protocol on interactions within asynchronous discussions. Comput. Educ, 2012, 58(1): 77–87.
4. Joo Y. J., Lim K. Y., and Kim E. K. Online university students’ satisfaction and persistence: Examining perceived level of presence, usefulness and ease of use as predictors in a structural model. Comput. Educ, 2011, 57(2):1654–1664.
5. Umarova R.U. Ta’limda axborot texnologiyalaridan foydalanishning konseptual qoidalari // “Xalq ta’limi” ilmiy-uslubiy jurnal. – Toshkent, 2020. 5- maxsus son. –B. 101-104.
6. Umarova R.U. Ta’lim jarayonida o‘quvchilarning intellektual salohiyatini oshirish. Metodik tavsiyanoma // “Step by step print” bosmaxonasi. – Andijon, 2021. 2,75 bt.
7. Umarova R.U. Ta’lim tizimida zamonaviy pedagogik texnologiyalardan foydalanishning ahamiyati // Nizomiy nomidagi Toshkent pedagogika universiteti “Akademik Siddiq Rajabov o‘qishlari” respublika ilmiy-amaliy anjuman materiallari. – Toshkent, 2021 yil. – B. 213-215
8. Umarova R.U. Development of intellectual potential in the context of informatization of education // European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences Vol. 8 No. 12, 2020. Part III ISSN 2056-5852, – B. 56-59.
9. Akmalova A., Xaydarov A., Pardayeva G. Oliy ta’limni raqamlashtirish sharoitida talabalarning intellektual salohiyatini rivojlantirish/. O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti xabarlari, 2023, [1/12/2] ISSN 2181-7324
Как цитировать
Aziza AKMALOVA, & Aziza AKMALOVA. (2024). ПОВЫШЕНИЕ ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНОГО ПОТЕНЦИАЛА СТУДЕНТОВ В УСЛОВИЯХ ЦИФРОВИЗАЦИИ. Вестник УзМУ, 1(1.4), 56-59. https://doi.org/10.69617/uzmu.v1i1.4.1968