• Shaxzoda XAMROYEVA O‘zbek tili va adabiyoti universiteti tayanch doktoranti
Keywords: anthropocentric approach, author’s digression, author's mediation, semantic-stylistic tools, text analysis., antroposentrik yondashuv, muallif chekinishi, muallif mushodasi, semantik-stilistik vositalar, matn analizi


the second half of the 20th century, cognitive linguistics emerged based on an anthropocentric approach to linguistics-at the same time scientific research into the cognitive interpretation of the author's mediation behind the text was visible. Based on the purpose of the scientific work, the term author's mediation was introduced, which allows us to consider this phenomenon in the semantic-stylistic, structural and cognitive aspect of linguistics from the point of view of artistic discourse under the term “author's mediation”, which is more broadly considered a literary concept. In the article, the author's mediations in English fiction are subject to semantic-stylistic analysis.


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O‘zMU xabarlari Вестник НУУз ACTA NUUz FILOLOGIYA 1/6 2024
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How to Cite
Shaxzoda XAMROYEVA. (2024). SEMANTIC-STYLISTIC TOOLS THAT REPRESENT AUTHORS MEDIATION. News of the NUUz, 1(1.6), 381-383. Retrieved from