• Sarvinoz BOBONAZAROVA O‘zMU kimyo fakulteti tayanch doktoranti
  • Anvar ABDUSHUKUROV O‘zMU professori, k.f.d.
  • Shohzod OCHILOV O‘zMU kimyo fakulteti tayanch doktoranti
  • Muxriddin YUSUFOV O‘zMU katta o‘qituvchisi, PhD
Keywords: 2-chloro-N-о-tolilasetamide, 2-chloro-N-m-tolilasetamide and 2-chloro-N-p-tolilasetamide, toxicity, activity in cancer cells, viruses, cytotoxic effects.


Biological activity of chloro-N-tolilasetamide, 2-chloro-N-o-tolilasetamide, 2-chloro-N-m-tolilasetamide, and 2-chloro-N-p-tolilasetamides were synthesized as a result N-chlorocetilchloride reaction was studied in the PASS online program. The negative and toxicity effects of chloro-N-tolilasetamide isomers on the body, the values of Pa and Pi, have been identified. Additionally, the effects of chloro-N-tolilasetamide isomers on cardiovascular and hepatobiliar systems, the results of the cytoseharcity of the substance in relation to cancer cells, the study of activity against viruses and fungi, and the results were compared. Results were revealed that chloro-N-о-tolilasetamide and chloro-N-p-tolilasetamides are close biological activity to the above diseases and had only one isomeres of activity for some diseases


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How to Cite
Sarvinoz BOBONAZAROVA, Anvar ABDUSHUKUROV, Shohzod OCHILOV, & Muxriddin YUSUFOV. (2025). ИЗУЧЕНИЕ БИОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ АКТИВНОСТИ ИЗОМЕРОВ 2-ХЛОР-N-ТОЛИЛАЦЕТАМИДА В ПРОГРАММЕ PASS ONLINE. News of the NUUz, 3(3.2.1), 335-338. https://doi.org/10.69617/nuuz.v3i3.2.1.5743