Editorial Team

Editorial board in the field of natural sciences:

Main editor:
MADJIDOV I.U. - doctor of technical science, professor.
Deputy editor-in-chief:
ERGASHOV Y.S. - doctor of physics and mathematics science, professor.

Editorial board:
Sabirov R.Z. - d.b.s., academic
Aripov T.F. - d.b.s., academic
Salixov SH.I. - d.ph-m., prof.
Otajonov Sh. - d.ph-m., prof.
Tojiboyev K.SH. - d.b.s., academic
Sattarov J.S. - d.b.s., academic
Abduraxmanov T. - PhD in biology
Qodirova Sh. - Doctor of Chemistry., prof
Xaitboyev A.X. - Doctor of Chemistry, prof.
Mahkamov M.A. - Doctor of Chemistry, prof.
Umarov A.Z. – c.g.m, associate prof.
Hikmatov F. – d.t.s, prof.
Absoatov Y.K - PhD in d.ch.ph
Pardayev Z.A. - PhD in d.ph.ph, associate prof.

Editorial board in the direction of social sciences:

Main editor:
MADJIDOV I.U. - doctor of technical science, professor.
Deputy editor-in-chief:
ERGASHOV Y.S. - doctor of physics and mathematics science, professor.

SHIRINOVA R.X. - doctor of philological science, professor.

Editorial board:
Sagdullayev A.S. - d.h.s, academic.
Ashirov A.A. - d.h.s, prof.
Balliyeva R. - d.h.s, prof.
Malikov A.M. - d.h.s, prof.
Yusupova D.Y. - d.h.s, prof.

Yunusova X.E. - d.h.s, prof.
Murtazayeva R.H. - d.h.s, prof.
Mo‘minov A.G. - d.h.s, prof.
Abdulayeva N.B. - d.ph., prof.
Madayeva Sh.O. - d.ph., prof.
Tuychiyev B.T. - d.ph., prof.
Utamuradov A. - c.ph.s, prof.
Muxammedova D.G. - d.psych., prof.
Boltaboyev H. - d.ph.s, prof.
Rahmanov N.A. - d.ph.s, prof.
Siddiqova I.A. - d.ph.s, prof.
Sa`dullayeva N.A. - d.ph.s, associate prof.
Arustamyan Y.Y. - d.ph.s, associate prof.
Pardayev Z.A. – d.phil.ph., associate professor