• Sherzod SATTOROV TerDU Arxeologiya kafedrasi tayanch doktoranti
Keywords: Aryan, Indo-Iranian, Indo-Aryan, linguistic, mythological, toponyms, hydronym, geographical, dasa, asura, dara, mara.


In this article, at a time when science is rapidly developing, there are some issues that have not yet found their solution. One of such issues, which is the cause of heated discussions among scientists, is the issue of the Aryans. We know that despite the fact that this issue has been raised for almost 200 years, scientists have not come to a consensus. Solving this problem requires extensive research and unique innovative methods. This article talks about the method of comparative analysis of archaeological, linguistic and mythological sources in the study of the Aryan issue. The article is based on a translation based entirely on foreign literature


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How to Cite
SATTOROV, S. (2024). ELENA EFIMOVNA KUZMINA’S RESEARCH AND THE PROBLEM OF EDUCATIONAL ALIENS. News of the NUUz, 1(1.9.1), 27-29. https://doi.org/10.69617/nuuz.v1i1.9.1.4218