• Dildora USAROVA Senior lecturer of Foreign Languages Department, Tashkent state university of law
Keywords: : Crucial role of language education, close integration of language, linguistic skills, professional development


This article emphasizes the crucial role of language education in facilitating international communication, enhancing cultural exchange, and supporting professional development. The rise of specialized language courses, such as "English for Special Purposes" (ESP), underscores the growing need for industry-specific linguistic skills. The text highlights the close integration of language training with professional development in countries like the United States, where English programs are tailored to meet industry needs. The article
discusses the methodological strategies that enhance language learning, focusing on practical application and real-life communication scenarios.


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How to Cite
USAROVA, D. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENTS’ SPEECH COMPETENCE. News of the NUUz, 1(1.7.1), 192-194.