• Nilufar ABDURAXMONOVA O‘zMU Kompyuter lingvistikasi va amaliy tilshunoslik kafedrasi mudiri, f.f.d., professor
  • Karomat RAJABOVA O‘zMU Kompyuter lingvistikasi mutaxassisligi magistranti
  • Zilola RO‘ZIYEVA O‘zMU magistratura bo‘limi uslubchisi
Keywords: Concordance, corpus manager, corpus, linguistic instrument.


This article describes the historical development of the term concordance and the software tools developed for linguistic corpus analysis. The progression of the concordance from the original handwork to automated versions is discussed, from the early instruments developed by Roberto Busa and the University of Birmingham to the modern concordance instruments of today. A detailed analysis of commonly used programs in corpus linguistics and their functions is provided.


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How to Cite
ABDURAXMONOVA, N., RAJABOVA, K., & RO‘ZIYEVA, Z. (2024). AS CORPS SEARCH MANAGER. News of the NUUz, 1(1.7.1), 246-249.