• O’zbekiston Milliy universiteti magistranti
  • Shoira YUSUPOVA O’zbekiston Milliy universiteti dotsenti
Keywords: lexeme, lexical unit, lexico-semantic field, lexico-semantic group, semantic relations, natural disasters vocabulary.


The study aimed to demonstrate the structure of the lexico-semantic field “Natural Disasters” by the material of the English language. In addition to identifying certain groups, subgroups, and sub-subgroups within the topic under investigation, also the article takes into account different kinds of semantic relations within it. The scientific superiority of the article stems from the fact that it was the first to organize disaster vocabulary units using a field technique. The results of the findings revealed that the lexico-semantic field of the words denoting “Natural Disasters” contains multiple lexico-semantic groupings. Aspects such as synonymy, antonymy, hypo-hyperonymic, and part-whole relations are examples of paradigmatic relationships between lexemes that are shown in the classification scheme. These relationships highlight the organizational complexity and hierarchical structure of the studied field.


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How to Cite
Nasiba MUSTAFAKULOVA, & Shoira YUSUPOVA. (2024). LEXICAL-SEMANTIC FIELD OF THE WORDS DENOTING “NATURAL DISASTERS” IN ENGLISH. News of the NUUz, 1(1.3.1), 289-291. https://doi.org/10.69617/uzmu.v1i1.3.1.1662