• Saidaxon ABDULLAEVA Namangan Muhandislik-Qurilish instituti (PhD)dotsenti
  • Mamura YULDASHEVA Namangan Muhandislik-Qurilish instituti stajyor-tadqiqotchi
Keywords: Dual education, advantages, problems, education system, practical skills, theoretical training, labor market, demand for specialists, effectiveness of the educational program, employers, students


The article discusses the concept of dual education, identifying its advantages and problems. Dual education is an innovative model that combines theoretical learning with practical experience in businesses and organizations. The article discusses the main advantages of this model, such as increasing the professional training of students, increasing their competitiveness in the labor market and improving interaction between educational institutions and the business sector. However, the authors also draw attention to problems that may include an uneven distribution of opportunities for students, difficulties in organizing cooperation between schools and enterprises, and the need to constantly update training programs in accordance with labor market requirements. Based on an analysis of the advantages and problems of dual education, the article offers recommendations for improving this model and maximizing its positive impact on personnel training and economic development.


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How to Cite
Saidaxon ABDULLAEVA, & Mamura YULDASHEVA. (2024). \DUAL EDUCATION - ADVANTAGES AND PROBLEMS. News of the NUUz, 1(1.4.1), 46-49. https://doi.org/10.69617/uzmu.v1i1.4.1.2138