• Nargizaxon ABDULLAYEVA PhD, docent of the Department of Foreign Languages Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies
"Kalit so‘zlar" : kuch guruhi, yondashuv, turlar, nutq, siyosiy kommunikatsiya, adresat.


Ushbu maqola siyosiy nutqni oʻrgatish haqida tushuncha bergan, shuningdek, hukumatda qoʻllaniladigan rasmiy til bilan bogʻliq siyosiy madaniyatni koʻrib chiqqan ya’ni nutq kuchini qozonish va saqlab qolish uchun ishlatiladigan professional siyosatchilarning ommaviy aloqa usullarini yaqqol misollar keltirgan.


Baranov, A. N. Parliamentary debates: traditions and innovations / A. N. Baranov, E. G. Kazakevich. - M.: Znanie, 1991. - 64 p.

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Dyck T.A. Discourse and power: representation of dominance in language and communication: trans. from English/T.A. Dyck. - M.: Book House “LIBROCOM”, 2013. - 344 p.

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Chudinov A.P. Political linguistics: a textbook / A.P. Chudinov. - M.: Flint: Nauka, 2006. - 256 p.

Zelensky, V.V. Afterword / V.V. Zelensky // Psychology of Politics. Psychological and social ideas of Carl Gustav Jung / V. Odainik. - St. Petersburg: Juventa, 1996. - pp. 368-380.

Vinogradov V.V. History of Russian linguistic teachings: a textbook for philology.specialties of the University / V.V., Vinogradov; comp. Yu.A.Belchikov; - M.: Higher School, 1978. - 360 p.

Lasswell G. Style in the language of politics/G. Lasswell// Political Linguistics. -- Yekaterinburg, 2007, Issue 2(22). - P. 165-177.

Borkhodoeva L. A. Pragmatic text as a means of forming the socio-cultural competence of students of a language university: abstract of the dissertation ... candidate of Pedagogical Sciences / L. A. Barkhodoeva. - Ulan-Ude, 2002. - 24 p.

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