Although there were about 150 madrasahs providing higher education in the big cities of the Bukhara Khanate in the 17th century, the educational system in them was incapable of imparting the knowledge that determined the development of the times. Although the sciences such as mathematics, geometry, chemistry, astronomy, philosophy and logic progressed to a certain extent during this period, works were not created that could even reach the level of achievements in the Middle Ages. But at the same time, it is impossible to completely destroy cultural life. During the time of Ashtarkhanids, the traditions of the peoples of the East and folk medicine in medicine continued to develop in accordance with their times. A madrasah and a hospital specializing in medicine functioned in Bukhara, where knowledge related to this field was taught and patients were treated. Also, during this period, development was continued in the activities of social sciences such as history and literature
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