• O‘tkir PARDAYEV Shahrisabz pedagogika instituti katta o‘qituvchisi
"Kalit so‘zlar" : Minimalizm, tushurib qoldirish, pastki matn, talqin, ishora, cheklov, murakkablik, hikoya, ramziylik, chuqurlik.


Ushbu maqolada Ernest Xemingueyning Aysberg printsipi ko'rib chiqiladi, bu zamonaviy adabiyotda inqilob qilgan muhim hikoya usuli. Asar Xemingueyning minimalist uslubi tahliliga bag‘ishlangan bo‘lib, u aysbergning yashirin massasi kabi matn yuzasi ostida chuqurroq ma’nolarni yashiradigan lakonik, ixcham yozuv bilan ajralib turadi. Asar “Chol va dengiz” va “Oq fillardek tepaliklar” kabi asosiy asarlarni tahlil qilish orqali Xemingueyning ataylab tashlab qo‘ygan kamchiliklari o‘quvchilarni hikoyalarining yashirin murakkabligini ochishga undashini ko‘rsatadi.


1. Эралов А.Ж. К вопросу о методических возможностях формирования юридических понятий. Научное сообщество студентов XXI столетия. Общественные науки. - Новосибирск, 2017. – С.151-154
2. Baker, Carlos. "Ernest Hemingway: A Life Story." Scribner, 1969. This comprehensive biography of Hemingway provides insight into his life and the development of his writing style, including the Iceberg Principle.
3. Benson, Jackson J., ed. "The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway: Critical Essays." Duke University Press, 1975. A collection of essays analyzing Hemingway's short stories, with several focusing on his use of the Iceberg Principle.
4. Brodie, James. "The Craft of Ernest Hemingway." Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1980. This book discusses Hemingway's writing techniques, including his minimalist style and the Iceberg Principle.
5. Hemingway, Ernest. "Death in the Afternoon." Scribner, 1932. Hemingway's own reflections on writing, where he first mentions the Iceberg Principle, using the analogy while discussing bullfighting.
6. Johnston, Kenneth G. "The Tip of the Iceberg: Hemingway and the Short Story." Greenwood Press, 1987. An in-depth analysis of Hemingway's short stories, focusing on the application of the Iceberg Principle.
7. Moddelmog, Debra A. "Reading Desire: In Pursuit of Ernest Hemingway." Cornell University Press, 1999. This book examines the layers of meaning in Hemingway's texts and discusses how the Iceberg Principle plays a role in reader interpretation.
8. Oliver, Charles M. "Ernest Hemingway A to Z: The Essential Reference to His Life and Work." Checkmark Books, 1999. An encyclopedic reference to Hemingway’s life and works, including discussion on the Iceberg Principle.
9. Reynolds, Michael S. "Hemingway: The Paris Years." Blackwell, 1989. Provides insight into Hemingway's formative years as a writer in Paris, where he developed his distinctive style and the Iceberg Principle.
10. Smith, Paul. "A Reader's Guide to the Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway." G.K. Hall & Co., 1989. A guide to Hemingway's short stories, with analysis on how the Iceberg Principle is employed in them.
11. Young, Philip. "Ernest Hemingway: A Reconsideration." Pennsylvania State University Press, 1966. This influential study of Hemingway’s work includes a discussion on the Iceberg Principle and its impact on narrative technique.
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